Arius font
Arius font is a member of Prime Graphics font family. It has 7 styles. USA graphic designer designed this font in the year 1993. The letters of this font based on serif style. It is a Glyphic category font. This font is an old style font. Letters of this font is slightly narrow.
Designed 1993 by Karl Nayeri.
Designed 1993 by Karl Nayeri.
Arius font download and further information:
Preview | Font name and styles | Price |
Arius Regular | $45,00 | |
Arius Bold | $45,00 | |
Arius Volume | $120,00 | |
Arius Dual | $45,00 | |
Arius Light | $45,00 | |
Arius Sans Bold | $45,00 | |
Arius Sans Light | $45,00 | |
Arius Sans Regular | $45,00 | |
Arius Sans Volume | $150,00 | |
If you are interested in Arius font so please also have a look at fonts like Arioso, Arista 2.0, Aristelle, Aristo, Aristocrat, Arius, Arizonia ROB, Ark Doomsday, Arkeo BT, Ascetic 2D, Au Revoir.