Californian FB Text fonts
All Californian FB Text fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Californian FB font family. Please select the Californian FB Text fonts you want to buy and download:
Preview | Font name and styles | Price |
Californian FB Text Bold | $40,00 | |
Californian FB Text Italic | $40,00 | |
Californian FB Text Volume | $180,00 | |
Californian FB Text Black | $40,00 | |
Californian FB Text Expert | $40,00 | |
Californian FB Text Roman | $40,00 | |
Background: In 1938 Frederic W. Goudy first designed California Old style but Lanston issued it as Californian. In1958. Designer Carol Twombly digitized the roman font after 30 years of California. David Berlow updated this font for Font Bureau with italic & small caps; Jane Patterson designed the bold style of this font. In 1999, assisted by Richard Lipton & Jill Pichotta, Berlow designed the black & text display series.
Designed 1938 by Frederic W. Goudy.
Other fonts:
Caliban, Calibri, Califas Family, California Grotesk, California Sans, Californian FB, Califunkia, Caligra, Calisso Standard, Cargo Standard (D), Cavole Slab