Folio Extra fonts

part of Folio font family

All Folio Extra fonts you see below belongs to the well-known Folio font family. Please select the Folio Extra fonts you want to buy and download:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download Folio Extra Bold fontFolio Extra Bold$19,95
download Folio Extra Bold fontFolio Extra Bold$35,00
download Folio Extra Bold fontFolio Extra Bold$29,00
download Folio Extra Bold fontFolio Extra Bold$35,00

Background: The Folio typeface has two different styles and is a member of the Mecanorma Collection family of fonts. It is a sans serif type of font that has been created by Konrad F. Bauer. The most common of this font is Folio. It has its origin in the year 1957. It is bold in character and is best when used for any sort of header for texts.
Designed 1957 by Konrad F. Bauer.

Other fonts:
FNT Iron Pak, Foco, Fofucha, Folder, Foliage Ornaments, Folio, FolioB EF, Folk Art Flowers, Follies, FR Hopper, Frostbite Freeze