Galexica font
Galexica has 5 different styles categorized on the basis of bold and italic type of the font. But each style is quite similar to each other. Robert Schenk was the designer of Galexica. He invented it on 1992. It gives a document very modern look. It is mainly used for documentation. But sometimes can be used for designing also. It also supports both Hexadecimal and ASCII characters.
Designed 1992 by Robert Schenk.
Designed 1992 by Robert Schenk.
Galexica font download and further information:
Preview | Font name and styles | Price |
Galexica Regular | $13,00 | |
Galexica Bold | $13,00 | |
Galexica BoldItalic | $13,00 | |
Galexica Italic | $13,00 | |
Galexica Volume | $15,00 | |
Galexica ExtraBold | $13,00 | |
Galexica Mono Bold | $13,00 | |
Galexica Mono Regular | $13,00 | |
Galexica Mono Volume | $15,00 | |
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