The Glypha font family

Glypha has 10 different styles. Each of the style looks quite similar to each other. It looks like Serifa. It was designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1977. It has a perfect combination of small and capital letters. Although small letters are a little bit large. It is mainly used for different news headlines. Glypha supports both ASCII and Hexadecimal characters.
Designed 1977 by Adrian Frutiger.

The Glypha font family includes several styles. Click one of the packages below to get more information about the Glypha font (download version) you want:

More fonts:
Gloucester, Glow Gothic BF, Glowworm, Glue, Glueboy, Glypha, Glyphic Neue, Gmuender Antiqua, Gmuender Gravur, Graffiti Two, Grimm