ITC Benguiat Gothic fonts

part of ITC Benguiat font family

All ITC Benguiat Gothic fonts you see below belongs to the well-known ITC Benguiat font family. Please select the ITC Benguiat Gothic fonts you want to buy and download:

Background: Prolific New York lettering artist & type designer Edward Benguiat designed Benguiat font in 1977-78. He was influenced by revival of Art Nouveau typefaces. This font has large x-height. It has some special characteristics like glyphic, informal and party. The typeface has a decorative style. The designed owned by ITC font family. It has 12 styles.
Designed 1977 by Edward Benguiat.

Other fonts:
ITC Barcelona, ITC Batak, ITC Bauhaus, ITC Beesknees, ITC Belter, ITC Benguiat, ITC Beorama, ITC Berkeley, ITC Berranger, ITC Isbell, ITC Scarborough