Linotype Belle font
Belle font was created by Isabelle Stutz in the year of 1999.The most common form of this font is Linotype Belle™.It is under font family of Linotype font family. It has two identical styles. They are totally independent from each other, have distinctive shapes and characteristics. This font design is owned by Linotype.
Designed 1999 by Isabelle Stutz.
Designed 1999 by Isabelle Stutz.
Linotype Belle font download and further information:
If you are interested in Linotype Belle font so please also have a look at fonts like Linotype Auferstehung, Linotype Authentic, Linotype Automat, Linotype Bariton, Linotype Barock, Linotype Belle, Linotype Besque, Linotype BioPlasm, Linotype Bix, Linotype Nautilus, Lisa.