Nueva font
Nueva ™ is an Adobe font family with 18 classical styles. Some of these styles include Nueva Std Light, Nueva Std Light Italic, Nueva Std Regular, Nueva Std Italic and so on. It was created by Carol Twombly in 1994. Nueva has very high stroke contrast, with round, bouncy counter-forms and stroke shapes. Nueva is extremely versatile and is used in wide variety of writing applications. Nueva is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States.
Designed 1994 by Carol Twombly.
Designed 1994 by Carol Twombly.
Nueva font download and further information:
Preview | Font name and styles | Price |
Nueva Regular | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold Cond Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold Cond | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold Extended Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold Extended | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Bold | $29,00 | |
Nueva Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Volume | $469,00 | |
Nueva Cond Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Cond | $29,00 | |
Nueva Condensed Volume | $149,00 | |
Nueva Extended Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Extended Volume | $149,00 | |
Nueva Extended | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light Cond Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light Cond | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light Extended Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light Extended | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light Italic | $29,00 | |
Nueva Light | $29,00 | |
If you are interested in Nueva font so please also have a look at fonts like Nud Motoya Mincho W4, Nud Motoya Mincho W5, Nud Motoya Mincho W6, NudE, Nue, Nueva, Nuevo Litho, Nuff Said, Nuke, OkayCursive Package, Orbis Pro.