Prosper Light fonts
Background: Prosper is a Monotype Imaging font family with 40 classical styles. It was developed by Joe Nicholson in 1996. The design of this typeface is owned by Monotype Imaging. With its smooth and consistent letterform appearance, this font type is ideally used in advertising and other media related works. It works well in high resolution settings, and supports only lowercase characters.
Designed 1996 by Joe Nicholson.
Other fonts:
Press On, Prestige, Primrose, Prints Charming, Priory, Pro Office Pack, Procyon, Professor, Proforma, Prologik, Promethian, Prospect Cyrillic, Prosper, Proton, Proun, Prozac, Psychedelic, Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Pumpkinseed, Punk Robot Package, Pushkin Cyrillic, Put My Foot Down, Puzzler, Rolling Ball Cursive