URW Minister font
Minister is a Linotype font family with 8 available styles. These styles include Minister Light, Minister Light Italic, Minister Book, Minister Bold and so on. It was developed by Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt in the year 1929. With its high degree of clarity and professionalism, this typeface is used extensively in the fields of newspaper and headline texts in journals and magazines. With its bold and clear character spacing, it is highly preferred by users of all domains of work. Ideally used in high resolutions, this typeface is extremely stable and can be also used in the corporate works.
Designed 1929 by Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt.
Designed 1929 by Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt.
URW Minister font download and further information:
If you are interested in URW Minister font so please also have a look at fonts like URW Life, URW Linear, URW Lucida, URW Magna, URW Microgramma, URW Minister, URW Modern, URW Murray, URW Nicolas, Vario, Viata.