URW Choc font

An exclusive and unique creation of Roger Excoffon that is based on Japanese Calligraphy method. A very classy, decorative and exquisite font-type that has caught the attention of all the users who have used this particular font. Another type of Choc font-type is available that is known as Choc Light that is designed and developed by Phil Grimshaw, after lots of hard work and modifying and customizing the actual work of Choc yet keeping the feel and classy touch of the original font.
Designed 1955 by Roger Excoffon.

URW Choc font download and further information:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download URW Choc (D) fontURW Choc (D)$24,00
download URW Choc CE (D) fontURW Choc CE (D)$24,00
download URW Choc Initials (D) fontURW Choc Initials (D)$24,00
download URW Choc Initials CE (D) fontURW Choc Initials CE (D)$24,00

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