URW Kaufmann font

Based on Elsner and Flake font genre, it was designed and developed by Max R. Kaufmann in the year 1936, it is widely used in short text headlines in graphics and arts designing. With its decorative and ornamental design it has all the attributes to captivate and magnetize any user who wants to use this font. It can be best viewed in high resolutions and it has the advantage of supporting both lowercase and uppercase characters. Ideally suited for writing small texts for greeting cards and other forms of formal invitations this particular font style is characterized by its dynamic character shapes and sizes.
Designed 1936 by Max R. Kaufmann.

URW Kaufmann font download and further information:

Preview Font name and styles   Price
download URW Kaufmann Bold (D) fontURW Kaufmann Bold (D)$24,00
download URW Kaufmann CE Bold (D) fontURW Kaufmann CE Bold (D)$24,00

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